
One of the special things about St. Mary's is the Lourdes fund raising fortnight. During this period, girls think of all possible ways to get people to spend their money and support children to go to Lourdes in the summer. I went to Lourdes last summer too, to help the pilgrims from CA, the Catholic Association. It was definitely a unique experience - talking to, taking care of old people during day time and going out drinking, socialising with young people at night :D

Anyways, during our assembly about Lourdes, I read out a poem, written by Meg Spencer-Thomas after her visit to Lourdes. I thought I'd share it here because I do like it very much :)

Unsung Heroes

As the rich and famous sit there and swelling in their pride
They seem to have forgotten that what counts is what's inside.
People praise their presumed perfection, fail to see what's rotten
That the truely great heroes are excluded and forgotten.

A son provides his father with another meal in bed.
He softly strokes his feeble hands, plants kisses on his head
And gently smiles, though he knows this day might be the last.
The boy is only twelve and has had to grow up fast.

A mother battled for her life and won against the Foe,
But knotted, scarred disfigurement is all she has to show.
People point and whisper, so her children suffer too
And no one ever sees her inner beauty shining through.

Two brothers sit in wheelchairs as their muscles waste away,
They're forced to watch each other growing weaker every day.
Their lives are nearly over, though they've only just begun
But still they never fail to smile and join in with the fun.

So when your idol next appears upon the silver screen,
Or you wish that you were richer than a pearly king or queen,
Or you admire the polished sheen of brand new shiny cars,
Stop and think. Then keep in mind the real life superstars.

    創作者 seanche 的頭像


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